Adidam Northern California - Greater Bay Area

Real Intelligence is tacit (or intrinsically wordless) living existence. Where there is such tacit living existence, a Realizer (of Reality) can be recognized, and you are immediately able to devote yourself to a Realizer as Master - because such a relationship does not, fundamentally, require any words.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Welcome to Adidam Northern California
and the Greater Bay Area

Avatar Adi Da SamrajAdidam was founded more than thirty years ago by Avatar Adi Da Samraj as the spiritual Way for those who recognize His unique Revelation of the Divine and enter into relationship with Him as their Spiritual Master for the sake of ultimate Awakening.

So, the Way of Adidam is a relationship Avatar Adi Da offers freely to everyone—a tangible and effective means to consider, feel, experience, and (ultimately) identify with Reality itself, which is unconditional Love-Bliss.

Avatar Adi Da has generated a vast body of written and verbal teaching, which we feature in our bookstore. We hold a range of events and classes throughout Northern California, including retreat weekends, introductory evenings, and study courses, where you can learn more about Avatar Adi Da, His Wisdom-Teaching, and Adidam first hand.

We hope that you will contact us to find out more about Avatar Adi Da Samraj, and the Way of Adidam, and to find out about what's happening in your part of Northern California. If you can, please attend one of our events. Learning about something directly is always the best way.

You can also visit the global Adidam website to find out about events in other cities and countries, and to visit other Adidam websites.